Corner Garden.

Community Garden Ministry.

Nellis Dr. | Ustick/Ten Mile

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!
Mark 12:27-28

We're so thankful you want to know more about The Corner Garden!
We have some answers to common questions we get from those who walk by. Nellie Coleman, who oversees our garden space is happy to connect with you if you're looking for more information or to get involved in some way.

What is the Corner Garden?

In 2019, Calvary Chapel Meridian purchased eight bare acres of land off Ten Mile & Ustick as the future site of their new church building. In the summer of 2020, as construction prices consistently rose and building plans were put on hold, a church community garden was proposed using the "corner" back acre of the church's property. 
The goal of this one acre piece of land was to create a garden space from the fallow field it was. To give those that love to garden a way to serve and work together to provide fruit, vegetables, and beautiful cut flowers to share with the church family of Calvary Chapel Meridian and beyond, into our Meridian community. 
A perimeter fence around the garden was finished in the spring of 2021, the ground was tilled and compost was brought in. Our first three rows of potatoes were planted in April, and officially a garden was born! 

Over the course of the first growing season, the garden turned into 23 rows of vegetables and flowers along with four fruit trees. The goal of the gardening team is to add raised beds for herbs and berries, grapevines, two more trees, and 10 more growing rows next year (2022). To date (Aug '21) we have given away 603 pounds of food and 20 bouquets with many more to come! 

How can I help?

We are always welcoming garden volunteers and donations to the garden. 
Whether you only have one hour per week to help harvest or pull weeds, or an abundance of free time to spend in the garden, we would love to have you join us! 
If you happen to have extra tomato cages, T-posts, garden tools, fence materials, fertilizer (the list goes on!)  or would like to make a donation toward future garden structures and materials, you can let us know by clicking the "contact tab".

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Join us for hands-on gardening events where we cultivate not just plants, but community and faith.

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Nellie Coleman

Ministry Leader
Nellie is a loving mother of four and wife to Andy. She finds joy in gardening and creating beautiful crafts in general, bringing creativity and warmth to everything she touches.
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