
Small Group Fellowship
in 10 week sessions

Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,
so continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart,
praising God and having favor with all the people. 
And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.
- Acts 2:46-47
The early disciples understood that togetherness is essential for the growth of each person and the church itself by being in close community with other believers.
The Christian life is way better in community!

And yet, this is the one area that is often lacking in the lives of Christians.
We must intentionally “do life” together.  Rather than just hoping that it will happen, 
we have chosen to set up a purposeful way for the people in our fellowship to
engage with each other. 
We call them House2House Groups.

What can you expect at an H2H Group?
 Each group has a meal together, they discuss & apply Sunday’s sermon,
and support each other in prayer and practical ways as they seek
to join in God’s mission.

These groups meet in 10 week sessions. See which groups we have open!
Please click here If you're interested in leading or hosting an H2H group.

More Resources.

Get Connected

Join one of our H2H groups at Calvary Chapel Meridian

Weekly Questions & Resources

Click here to download the worksheets and follow along with our  H2H group discussions.

Brian Procedo

Ministry Leader
Brian Procedo is on staff at Calvary Meridian and shares our passion for our House2House ministry. Most weeks you can also find Brian at our Welcome Center on Sundays. 
House2House Calendar
Youth Events
Start Here Lunch