Connecting with God, Growing Together, & Reaching the World.


Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
-Matthew 28:19
The passion of our Youth Ministry is to see a generation of young people who Connect with Jesus in a personal way, Grow in deep fellowship with the body of Christ, and Reach beyond themselves and their community as they respond wholeheartedly to God's call.

The Youth Ministry is made up of individuals who have been called by the Lord and share a love for the youth of our church and community. They are passionate about their goal to provide a safe and fun environment for our kids to grow in their relationship with God, the body, and the world around them. The Youth Ministry serves youth from 6th - 12th grade. All youth leaders have been screened and go through a background check before being allowed to serve with the youth.

Sunday Mornings

Connecting to God through
Worship and the Word.

Church Service  |  9am & 11 am

The Youth Ministry serves 6th grade through 12th grade students. All students are encouraged to sit with their families during the worship portion of the service and then join one another in either the Jr. High class or High School class for Bible study and discussion separately.

Thursday Youth Group

Connecting to God and Growing in Fellowship

Thursday Night Youth Group is our chance to Connect with God by going deeper into the Word through Bible study and Small Group discussions. We also have the opportunity to Grow in fellowship with one another through fun activities and shared experiences. Thursday Night Youth Group takes place at 6:30 pm at the church building.