The Boy Jesus

God is Worthy of Our Obedience

Even at a young age, Jesus knew He had to “be about His Father’s business.” He knew that He had a call upon His life, and He sought to obey the will of the Father.

Read Luke 2:39-52

Even though He knew His real Father, He did not reject His earthly parents. Jesus was not lost; He was in His Father's house and in His care. Jesus, at the age of twelve, was devoting Himself to do His Father's will, putting everything else aside. We can have the same devotion. We can pray, study God's Word, and obey Him.  We are to be like Jesus; He is our example of putting the will of the Lord first.

Jesus was unique because He is the Son of God, but He had a childhood like you and me. There were normal routines of daily life.  Jesus experienced everything we experience; He understands our struggles. Though Jesus desired to attend to His Father's business, He still subjected Himself to His earthly parents as they guided and directed Him. The Bible, likewise, tells us that we need to obey our parents, just as Jesus obeyed His.

Family Discussion
  • Where did Jesus' family go to celebrate the Passover? (Jerusalem) 
  • Why didn't Mary and Joseph notice that Jesus was missing until the end of the day? (they thought he was with other relatives) 
  • How long did Mary and Joseph search for Jesus? (Three days) 
  • Where did they find Jesus? (at the temple) 
  • What did Jesus call the temple? (My Father's house) 
  • What is one way Jesus was an example to us when He was a child? (He was seeking God, He was obedient to God, He spent time in prayer and learning God's word, etc.) 

Memory Verse
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. LUKE 2:52
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